Various kinds of marine biota Part-2
worms Serpulidae
Worms are included in this Serpulidae family has a tip like feathers that help process water circulation around vents.
Shrimp types Alvinocaris lusca was standing at the threshold of a tube of tube worms.
Octopus "Dumbo" is derived from the genus Grimpotheuthis. he lived on the sea floor, but has a wide fins similar ear mammals, which allows it to swim.
This Cerianthus clan tube anemones attach themselves to the sea floor and catch the food with the tentacles. Although mostly found in shallow sea anemones, the kind that one can live at depths of more than 1.5 miles.
Some types of Acorn worms are found swimming freely around the ventilation holes. They eat particles of organic matter floating in a pool of water.
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